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The Butler Drama Department produces two shows each school year, a fall play and a spring musical. High school drama is a club that provides students with a platform to showcase their creative talents and hone their acting skills.  The club is open to all Butler students who have an interest in performing arts, regardless of their level of experience.  The drama department produces two shows each year, a fall play and a spring musical.  Students are encouraged to become involved whether they aim to develop their performance skills or choose to learn the technical aspects of running a show backstage, there is a role for everyone! 

Drama Director: Susan Robert

The Butler Drama Department Presents...

Deadline By Don Zolidis

November 22 & 23 at 8pm | November 24 at 3pm

Butler Performing Arts Theater

All Tickets are $10 each. Tickets will be available for purchase in advance using the link below, or cash at the door on the night of the show.

Purchase Tickets Online

Produced by special arrangement with Playscripts, Inc.

When eight mystery writers arrive at a legendary writer's fog shrouded island mansion in the north Atlantic, they think they're ready for the Deadline Challenge, 24 hours to write as much of their new novel as possible. In reality, the writers are brought together to solve a murder. Who will win? Who will die? Who will survive the Deadline?


Miami Valley Theatre Association

The 2023 MVHSTA Showcase was a memorable night for Butler Drama!   Karisa Ticknor and Timmy Wood were selected to represent Butler Drama among the 60 students in the ceremony’s opening and closing numbers. Thirty High Schools participate with the MVHSTA association and high school productions are adjudicated by individuals in the theatre profession. Skyla Gilmer and Sonia Wasburn walked across the Schuster Center stage to accept the "Outstanding Production" recognition by the MVHSTAs, for our 2023 fall show Play On

The cast received a second award of "Outstanding" for the Ensemble of Play On. Fourteen individual students were recognized for "Outstanding" and "Merit" performances from both productions. Kaylee Bays, Emma Bays, Tony Cercone, Skyla Gilmer, Helena Hall, Abigail Hilterbran, Allison Koerner, Lucas Koerner, Anya Lucas, Mason Rivera, Matt Strehle, Sonia Washburn, and Timmy Wood received awards for their performances. Caylynn Bloemker received a Technical Award of merit for Stage Management. Congratulations to all our students who worked hard to produce great shows this season. Everyone who participated with Butler Drama should be proud of this season's two very successful, challenging shows.

Shows and actors are adjudicated based on different criteria, and students receive a score and comments on their performances and production values.