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The Butler Drama Department produces two shows each school year, a fall play and a spring musical. High school drama is a club that provides students with a platform to showcase their creative talents and hone their acting skills.  The club is open to all Butler students who have an interest in performing arts, regardless of their level of experience.  The drama department produces two shows each year, a fall play and a spring musical.  Students are encouraged to become involved whether they aim to develop their performance skills or choose to learn the technical aspects of running a show backstage, there is a role for everyone! 

Drama Director: Susan Robert

Be our guest as the BHS Drama & Music Departments present...

Beauty and the Beast

April 26, 27 & 28

Butler Performing Arts Theater

April 26 & 27

April 28

Tickets are $12 and can be purchased in advance online or the night of the show at the door.

Purchase Tickets Online

DISNEY'S BEAUTY AND THE BEAST is presented through special arrangement with Music Theatre International (MTI). All authorized performance materials are also supplied by MTI.
Miami Valley Theatre Association

In June 2023, students from the Butler Drama department earned awards for their performances in our fall play, The Curious Savage, and our spring musical, Little Women.  The Miami Valley High School Theatre Association adjudicates several high school productions throughout the area during the school year.  Twenty-six schools participated during the 2022-2023 school year with a total of approximately fifty productions were included in the process.  

Judges adjudicate the show/actors on different criteria and students receive a score and comments on their performances and production values.  

The cast of the 2023 fall production, Play On! 

Butler Drama Students Receive Praise at the 2023 MVHSTA Awards!

Our fall play, The Curious Savage, received 2 awards of merit earning a silver medal. One for Overall Production, and another for Ensemble.

Individual student performances received medals as well.

For their performances in the fall production of The Curious Savage, Chris Welch (Junior) for his role as "Jeffrey," Kaylee Bays (CTC, Junior) for "Fairy May," and Sonia Washburn (Junior) as "Lily Belle" received Awards of Merit. Sonia also received an Award of Merit for her performance in the spring musical, Little Women, as "Meg." 

Not to be outdone, Abby Hilterbran (CTC, Junior) received an Award of Excellence for her portrayal of "Amy" in Little Women.

In the showcase for the awards ceremony, known as the MVHSTAs, 2 Butler students, Allison and Lucas Koerner, were chosen to participate in the opening and closing numbers.

Congratulations to our drama club on these outstanding accomplishments!