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College Credit Plus

College Credit Plus is Ohio’s dual enrollment program that provides students in grades 7-12 the opportunity to earn college and high school credits at the same time by taking courses from Ohio colleges or universities. The purpose of this program is to enhance students’ career readiness and postsecondary success, while providing a wide variety of options to college-ready students at no or limited costs to students and families. 

In 2014, Governor Kasich signed HB 487 making College Credit Plus the established program for Ohio high school students to earn college and high school graduation credit through successful completion of college courses.  The intent is to promote rigorous academic pursuits and to provide access to enriched education opportunities to 7th-12th grade students.

College Credit Plus is a student directed program.  Vandalia-Butler City Schools will pay for tuition, books and fees; however, transportation is not provided.  Students and their families can explore courses offered at all Ohio public colleges and participating private colleges as well as courses offered at Butler High School.  Butler High School will be partnering with Sinclair and Wright State, but you are not limited to these institutions.  Institutions of High Education (IHE) will set their own requirements for admission including, but not limited to, college readiness scores in one or more areas.


BHS will host its annual CCP informational meeting on Thursday, February 8, 2024 in the High School Performing Arts Theater at 6:30pm (you can access the entrance to this space from the south parking lot). Students interested in the program must notify their high school counselor (A-G Mark Peck; H-N Emily Rasor; O-Z Jennifer Donovan) by Monday, April 1, 2024.  Morton students will still be required to meet with a high school counselor, but should return the Intent to Participate form to Morton Middle School counselor, Ms. Reinhart.  You can find the Intent to Participate form below.  If you have additional questions or would like to set up a meeting, please call the Butler School Counselor's Office at 937-415-6309 and ask to speak to your child's counselor.

Download the CCP Informational letter

CCP Intent To Participate Form

CCP Presentation

College Credit Plus Dates and Procedures